Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Diversity is Suicide

In class, diversity is taught to be the greatest characteristic a country can have. In fact, this seems to be one of the only characteristics of the U.S. that is not criticized within our class rooms.
However, this admiration is counter to the way other countries see diversity. They often don't want the western culture or any other cultures to infiltrate their lands. As I have studied why they oppose diversity, it makes a great deal of sense.
Diversity is like a nonrenewable resource. If we like it, we will eventually run dry. Diversity brings a variety of people together. Which seems great, however, threw globalization we see that the more we are around each other the more we influence each other, and the less diverse we ultimately become.
If every country was as diverse as ours, the offspring of those countries would forget about the cultures that their parents once lived in. Eventually, everyone would be the same, and diversity would never be recovered. This result is already displayed within the U.S., many people here feel as if they have no culture to identify with. We owe this to our pursuit for a more diverse world.
It seems as if the diverse world that we seek, if attained, would be a short lived one. Diversity is its own killer.

1 comment:

  1. think it is a good thing on the surface.
    but america was founded in a way, like a melting pot, where people from everywhere came here to blend in the mix and become americans and live the american dream.
    unless im wrong on that.
    It sadly has become diversified or racially segrigated,
    where if you are of one or the other, your rights as americans are more important then the others.
    all men are created equal
    became press 1 for english
    and if you break an enter,
    you have more rights then those born here.
